Joxy Siry Biely démon


OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAborn  08.05.2008  † 20.10.2008

SPKP 2292

“Small, gentle BH bitch, puppy, with correct head, level top line, nice chestnuts brown, lovely coat, dark big, excellent movement ” V1 and champion of my heart. This would be possible judgment if she got a chance to be handled at the show


no breeding code I was puppy


no health exam


I brought Lilly as the three months old Blenheim puppy. She was selected for me by Mrs. Mikulasova and she was truly amazing and beautiful. She was supposed to heal the pain after Aila passed away. Small, gentle, uncertain in the world of humans, she immediately got attached to Rocky. She never moved away from him, and this little babe got under his skin, but he suffered with dignity.She loved running in the yard from one side to another, and by whistling barking she was calling on pedestrians on the street. I do not know whether this barking or eating of everything what she found was her fate. After less than three months one morning she was having blood in the stool most likely from the rat poisons. We immediately went to the veterinary but it was too late and she died after one week of difficult fight. This was the dark day and for long time I was unable to have a new dog.
