
The English language has a cute expression, so called “hobby breeder”. This is me. With my husband we plan the puppies after the “family agreement” from time to time and for this I spare most of my vacation. They are inside the house at the beginning and then, after they grow a bit, they are in the garden. The puppies grow in the environment of our big and broad family, kids, friends (including dog friends) tom-cat, etc.

The selection of future owners and families for our dogs is the most difficult task for the breeder. Dear future owners, in case you are interested in my puppies, write me or call me, tell me about yourself, why do you want to have the puppy, what is the environment to which puppy will go, and what are your plans with the dog. Also, in case some of the puppies is born for you, I would welcome you contact me from time to time and let me know how the puppy is doing. If you do not want to have any support or contact in the future, I am fine with it, but please just tell me.

In spite of the fact that I am a hobby breeder, my goal is to have high quality and healthy dogs. I do go after enhancing the quality of breeding in Slovakia.

We have a big news! Pregnancy of my Ninnive Sevi Biely démon (Ziva) and Leeroy vom Erlenbacher Hemmerich (Johnny) was confirmed by ultrasound. I was looking for a stud dog very carefully and here is one of judgmets “The dog with beautiful outline and coat quality, smaller but not too small, beautifully colored with strong chess-nut color, with perfect pigmentation, well filled cheeks, nose of right length, proper tail-set, rich tail. He is having strong bones. Happy and joyfull with kind and open nature.“ He did not mind that I took care of him, as a totally alien person to him, during the exhibition in Austria. An ideal pedigree with medically tested parents, non-related to pedigrees in Slovakia, however, not unknown to the breeders in Slovakia. His ancestors involve the breeding station Lymrey that is known thanks to the great breed-dog Milkeyn Monarch at Lemrey whose son well-known breed-dog Versace Biely démon keeps enjoying his retirement in the age of 14 years.

 If everything goes as it should, litter should be born in the middle of July 2015